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What is The Right Installation Method for Your Vinyl Flooring?

Flooring is one of the best ways to upgrade your home aesthetically and functionally. There are many types of flooring available to meet your needs, but installing these requires some careful consideration. Vinyl flooring in Plymouth and other cities is an option that has surged in popularity due to its durability, affordability, and a plethora of design options. 

However, many homeowners are often puzzled about the best way to install their new floors. Should you go for glue-down, peel-and-stick, or click-lock vinyl flooring? This blog will guide you through each method, helping you make an informed decision tailored to your needs.

“You can't build a great building on a weak foundation”

Method 1: Glue-Down Vinyl Flooring: The Professional’s Choice

This method is preferred by many skilled professional vinyl flooring installers because of its stability. It involves using a strong adhesive to secure the vinyl planks or tiles directly to the subfloor. This direct connection allows the LVT flooring in Plymouth or wherever you live to handle heavy foot traffic and rolling loads without shifting or lifting.


  • It is extremely stable; it won't shift or peel easily,

  • Good for areas with heavy furniture or high foot traffic.

  • It is often times more affordable than other types.


  • Installation can be messy and requires more preparation. It should be left to professional flooring installers. 

  • It can be difficult to remove or replace individual pieces. 

Steps for Installation:

Step 1: Prepare the Subfloor

Before starting the installation of LVT flooring, make sure that the subfloor is clean, dry, and level. Any imperfections can affect the final look and durability of the flooring.

Step 2: Apply Adhesive

Apply a suitable adhesive evenly across the subfloor using a trowel. The type of adhesive can vary based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Step 3: Lay the Flooring

Place vinyl planks or tiles firmly into the wet adhesive, ensuring each piece is aligned correctly without gaps.

Step 4: Roll the Floor

Once all pieces are laid down, use a floor roller to press them into the adhesive, ensuring a strong bond and flat surface.

Ideal for: Best vinyl flooring in Plymouth for commercial settings or areas with significant foot traffic, like kitchens and basements.

Method 2: Peel-and-Stick Vinyl Flooring: DIY Simplicity

As the name suggests, peel-and-stick vinyl tiles or planks come with a pre-applied adhesive covered by a backing paper that you peel off to stick directly to a clean, smooth subfloor. This method of installation is incredibly user-friendly, making it the best vinyl flooring for DIY enthusiasts in Plymouth and elsewhere. It’s straightforward, fast, and doesn’t require any special tools or skills.


  • Easy to install and perfect for DIY

  • Minimal tools required

  • Convenient to replace


  • Less durable than glue-down

  • Can shift or peel in high-traffic areas

Steps For Installation:

Step 1: Prepare the Subfloor

Clean the subfloor thoroughly to remove all dust and debris. The surface should be smooth and dry.

Step 2: Plan Your Layout

Plan the layout of the tiles or planks to ensure minimal cuts and waste. Mark guidelines if necessary.

Step 3: Peel and Stick

Remove the backing paper from the first tile or plank, position it carefully, and press it down firmly onto the subfloor.

Step 4: Continue the Process

Continue peeling and sticking the flooring, aligning each new piece tightly against the previous ones to avoid gaps.

Step 5: Roll Over the Flooring

Use a soft roller to go over the installed flooring to enhance the bond between the adhesive and the subfloor.

Ideal for: Best for people looking for cheap vinyl flooring in Plymouth, for example, and a quick solution in low-traffic areas or temporary solutions. 

Method 3: Click-Lock Vinyl Flooring: The Modern Innovator

Click-lock vinyl flooring, also known as floating vinyl plank flooring, involves planks that interlock together at the edges and float over the subfloor or existing flooring. This method does not require any adhesive, which makes it easy to install and remove. Click-lock installation is particularly popular among those who prefer a less permanent solution that can be easily updated or replaced.


  • No need for adhesives and easy to lay down

  • Can be installed over existing floors

  • Simple to replace or repair


  • May be more expensive than glue-down or peel-and-stick options

  • Requires a completely smooth subfloor to prevent imperfections

Steps for Installation:

Step 1: Prepare the Area

Clear and clean the installation area. Ensure the subfloor or existing flooring is flat and free of major imperfections.

Step 2: Lay the Underlayment

Roll out the underlayment across the entire floor if required by the flooring type. This provides a cushion and moisture barrier.

Step 3: Click and Lock

Start from one corner of the room, connecting the planks by angling them and snapping them together along the edges.

Step 4: Cut to Fit

Measure and cut planks as needed to fit around corners or obstacles using a utility knife or saw.

Step 5: Finish and Inspect

Once all planks are laid, walk over the floor and inspect for any loose sections or gaps. Adjust as necessary.

Ideal for: Homeowners looking for flexibility and a straightforward, nail-free installation.

Which Method Suits You Best?

Let’s figure out what would be the best option for you with the below points:

Consider Your Skill Level: You can’t go into this with overconfidence if you want a good result. If you are a beginner, peel-and-stick vinyl might be your best bet for great vinyl flooring in areas like Plymouth. However, if you are looking for a more durable option and are prepared to handle a more complex installation, glue-down could be the way to go.

Evaluate Your Needs: You need to carefully make a list of your requirements before starting projects like LVT flooring in Plymouth and any other place. Think about where you will be installing the vinyl. High-moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens benefit from the moisture resistance of glue-down flooring. For living areas where comfort and ease of maintenance are more important, click-lock could be the perfect fit.

Budget Constraints: Generally, peel-and-stick vinyl is the most cheap vinyl flooring in Plymouth and other hubs for flooring. It is less costly upfront, but consider the longevity and durability of your flooring. Sometimes, investing a bit more in click-lock or glue-down options can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Step Up Your Home’s Style with DRW’s Premium Flooring Options

With the above information, picking the right installation method for vinyl flooring in Plymouth and other places is nothing worth stressing about. 

By being informed about the methods of installations, you can select the best option that aligns with your home improvement goals, lifestyle needs, and personal preferences. Your ideal flooring solution is just a decision away! Your new floors will revitalize your home for years to come. 

DRW Flooring is a renowned provider of flooring, especially vinyl and LVT flooring, in Plymouth if you are looking for a trustworthy and affordable seller. We only offer the best to our customers, which is evident by our successful track record.  You can get free samples of your chosen flooring to make sure that your final choice is just right for your space.  Connect with us for a better flooring solution for your place.

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